Public Notices

Planning Board

Tuesday, July 16, 2024
6:00 PM - in the Fire Department Training Room
26 Intervale Drive, New Hampton, NH

  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Roll Call
  3. Minutes of 6/18/24
  4. Correspondence
  5. Wes Hays, on property belonging to John Sarabia & Maribell Jimenez – Continuation of PUBLIC HEARING/SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION; 2 Cabin Drive, Tax Map U9, Lot 9-1; Site Plan review; revision of condominium documents for replacement & enlargement of condominium.
  6. Angelique Rossi, on property belonging to Filomena Rossi & CP Rossi Trust –PUBLIC HEARING/SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION; 322 NH Route 104, Tax Map R11, Lot 10; Site Plan review for Farmers Market.
  7. Michael Sharp – review project status for Professional Building, for which Site Plan approval was given on 12/20/22.
  8. Review of Standing Committees.
  9. And any other business that may come before the board.



Conservation Commission

Town of New Hampton Conservation Commission 

Wednesday, July 3, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

Town Office, 2nd floor small meeting room, 6 Pinnacle Hill Road, New Hampton 

Meeting Agenda

1.   Call to order
2.   Roll Call
3.   Correspondence:

      a.  E-mail from Christopher Ziadeh; re. Robinson Falls 

      b.  Squam Lakes Conservation Society on Jackson Pond
4.   Review of minutes of June 5, 2024
5.   Volunteer to maintain Nature-Fitness Trail (not a Conservation Commission project) 
6.   Easement monitoring - volunteers for monitoring  
7.   Boy Scouts trail maintenance 
8.   Sign for Dolloff Brook property (Boy Scouts any interest?)
9.   Bald Ledge Easement, update if any.
10. Egan Property recommendation to Selectmen; no update
11. Chase Road property recommendation to Selectmen; no update
12. Dixon Hill recommendation to Selectmen; no update
13. Straits Road property - property line issue; no update 
14. Winona Heights Drive; Selectmen request to pay back taxes (Planning Board Action)
15. Open Space Master update plan - Tim Young 
16. Grants and CC funding for 2023/2024 - Debra Pendergast update: 

      a. US Forest Grant and LCHIP grant for Robinson Falls Property
17. Discussion on Proposed Ground Water Ordinance
18. Oak Tree for Pat Schlesinger - Tim Young
19. Possible new member.
20. Any other business.  
21. Motion to adjourn 


Heritage Commission

Heritage Commission

June 24, 2024
6:00 PM at the Town Office Upstairs Meeting Room


1.    Approve minutes from 3/18/24 meeting
2.    Grants
       a.    Congressionally Directed Spending Program Update
       b.    Research National Park Service Grants
              i.    Save America’s Treasures
             ii.    Climate Change
            iii.    Others?
3.    Donations
4.    Old Home Day
       a.    Display Board
       b.    Coverage
5.    Heritage Hero Award (New)
6.    Town House Warrant Article for 2025
7.    Next Meeting
8.    Any other business


Planning Board Sub-Committee Meetings

Planning Board:


Master Plan Sub-Committee
Upstairs Meeting Room, 6 Pinnacle Hill Road, New Hampton

The Master Plan Sub-Committee of the Planning Board will hold meetings on Monday, July 8, 2024 and Monday, August 12, 2024, both at 6:00 pm. The purpose will be to continue work on the Master Plan.

Ordinance and Regulations Sub-Committee
Upstairs Meeting Room, 6 Pinnacle Hill Road, New Hampton

The Ordinance & Regulations Sub-Committee of the Planning Board will hold a work sessions in 2024 on the following Tuesdays beginning at 11AM.  The purpose will be to discuss updates to the New Hampton Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision and Site Plan Regulations.

July 9th

August 13th

September 10th


Newfound Area School District


Child Find Public Notice
The Newfound Area School District is looking to locate children
who may have an educational disability for several different reasons.

Click here for more details.

PASTA (Parenting a Second Time Around) meetings are available for grandparents and other caregivers in the Newfound community to provide support and resources. 
Click here for further information on these meetings being offered by the NASD.

Final Report from the Funding Formula Study sub-committee

Click here for a School Board agenda for a meeting on 7/12/24.


Pemigewasset Local Advisory Committee

Click here to be sent to the Lakes Region Planning Commission's site for all PRLAC meetings and agendas.