Transfer Station


Phone: 603-744-8025

Mon.       8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Wed.     10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Sat.         8:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Transfer Station/Recycling Center Stickers

Residential stickers are available at the Town Clerk’s Office during business hours or at the New Hampton Transfer Station during their open hours. There is no charge for the sticker.

Click here to see how eligibility is determined and what types of Transfer Station permits are issued.

Any contractors are required to obtain a 30-day permit (at no charge) from the Selectmen’s Office. There are charges for disposal of bulky items and construction debris. The requirement for stickers or permit is strictly enforced.

Thank you for your support and your efforts to recycle and improve the operation of our facility!


Presidents Day (2/17)  Wednesday, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Memorial Day (5/26), Labor Day (9/1)      "
Columbus Day (10/13)  "

Fees / Hours / Materials

Click here for a printable PDF version of Transfer Station Fees and hours.


Glass & Plastic Bottles*
(* type 1 and 2 plastics only)
Caps removed, rinsed and separated
Cans Tin and Aluminum
Currently only corrugated cardboard is being accepted.
Paper Products (plastic removed) will be accepted when the market is favorable.

Corrugated cardboard
  • No wood over 4" diameter allowed in burn pile.
  • Painted & pressure treated wood into open top container
  • No climbing on any pile - please ask for help!!   No Dump Picking!!

Household Hazardous Waste

Refer to Lakes Region Planning Commission's new web page to access dates and locations in the Lakes Region for Household Hazardous Waste collections (typically the last Saturday of July and the first Saturday in August).  You can also find additional information on hazardous household products.

Click here for information on the Lakes Region Household Hazardous Product Facility in Wolfeboro and Alton that can handle this type of waste. 
*     Wolfeboro - 3rd Saturday of the month, 8:30 to noon, May through October.
*     Alton - 2nd Saturday in the month, 8:30 to noon, July and September.

Click here for the flyer with details and directions for these facilities.


Refer to Lakes Region Planning Commission's web page: Alternatives - Household Hazardous Waste FlipBook to view their flip book which has alternatives to hazardous waste products used in the garage, yard, and house.