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Employment Opportunities - Updated 3/24/25

The following are open position(s) or RFPs in the Town of New Hampton. Below is the standard job application which can be printed or interested applicants can come in to the New Hampton Selectmen's Office to recieve a copy.


Job Application


The following departments are accepting applications:

Fire Department

Fire Fighter Job Ad Updated 1/15/25

Fire Fighter Job Description



Public Works Department

DPW Truck Driver/Equipment Operator Ad

DPW Truck Driver/Equipment Operator Job Description


Requests for Proposals

DPW F550 Request for Proposal

Reminder to get your Burn Permit

Burn Permits are required.  

You can obtain a burn permit at the firehouse from 8am – 4 pm, or by going to  There is a fee for using the online system.  For more information, please go to the Fire Department website: for more information, or call 603-744-2735.  

Remember to be fire safe.

Good Morning New Hampton

“Good Morning New Hampton” is a scheduled check-in program with the New Hampton Fire Department to assist our at-risk population; the elderly population, those with special needs who live alone, or residents who live with others unable to effectively communicate that help is needed.  It will allow those with limited support to maintain their independence for as long as possible. It is also helpful to those that have recently been released from the hospital or a rehabilitation facility. This program allows family, friends, and/or neighbors the added comfort of knowing that the individual is having regular contact with local personnel.

If you, or someone you know, would like more information please contact New Hampton Fire Department at 603-744-2735.

DHHS Sale & Rental of Property in Effect July 1, 2024

 Attention Realtors, Property Owners, Contractors, Childcare Facilities (and others):

Dept of Health & Human Services has advised of a new law that went into effect on July 1st.  

Refer to RSA 130-A:5-d for more information.  The purpose is to ensure lead safety for buildings constructed prior to January 1, 1978.

Take Precautions Against Multiple Diseases Carried by Ticks

Click here for a 2017 Press Release from the NH Department of Health and Human Services which contains helpful information on ticks.

Parenting a Second Time Around

PASTA (Parenting a Second Time Around) meetings are available for grandparents and other caregivers in the Newfound community to provide support and resources.

Click here for further information on these meetings being offered by the Newfound Area School District.

Beware of These Recent Scam Calls

CAUTION: The New Hampton Police Department wants to everyone that they have been taking several reports of phone scams, specifically Publisher’s Clearinghouse and IRS related. 

Do not give out any of your personal information.

Reports have been received of text messages containing a link to "complete a security review" for your bank accounts.
These are fake messages.
Do Not click on the link... Do Not provide any personal information.

If in doubt about any communication call your bank, card issuer or financial institution on a known number to confirm the communication.

Come Join Us

Do you have the desire to help others?
Do you want to master lifesaving skills and
be part of an exciting Team that makes a difference every day?


The New Hampton Fire Department is looking for new members.
No experience is needed, just a desire to help others,
we provide the training necessary to make a difference.
You will need to get a certification as a Firefighter or EMT in your first year,
and we'll help you with that! And there are many more certifications and trainings you can take over time to grow those skills.

Stop by the station (26 Intervale Dr., New Hampton) from 8:00am to 4:00pm
any day of the week for more information or to get an application

Open Call for Volunteers

The Board of Selectmen are seeking volunteers to fill vacancies on the  Planning BoardZoning Board and Conservation Commission. We also need volunteers for the Old Home Day Organizing Committee.

Please visit the Board and Commission overview to learn how you can contribute to your community and the time commitment involved with each.  Interested individuals can complete a Volunteer Interest Form and submit it to the Selectman's Office or email it to

State Aid Reporting

The State of New Hampshire is now requiring that all Towns and School Districts post revenue and grants that they recieve from the State. This section will serve as the location where citizens can review the money that the State has given the Town of New Hampton.

Please click here to see the most recent amounts.

Become Involved

Town Committees, Boards and Commissions are always looking for new members.
Please click on the Board and Commissions overview tbelow, to learn how you can contribute to your community and the time committment involved with each.
Interested residents may complete the fill-in form listed below and submit it to the Selectmen's Office.

Overview of each Board and Commission
Volunteer Interest Form

Seeking the Help of New Hampton's Citizens

The Belknap County Drug Task Force along with participating area law enforcement agencies cannot be successful without the assistance and support of the citizens.  We welcome information as it relates to illicit drug dealing and criminal offenses and will continue to follow up on leads/tips as they are developed.

Click here for more from the Sheriff's Department.

New Hampton Historical Society

Thank you members and friends for your support.  

Click here for our membership form.  

New Hampton Garden Club

Established in 1932 the New Hampton Garden Club (NHGC) is one of the oldest Garden Clubs in New Hampshire. Our club is open to anyone who is interested in beautifying our community, learning about gardening culture or looking for a creative new outlet. We meet on the first Tuesday of the month April - December at the Gordon Nash Library, downstairs in the Judge Nash Community Room. The NHGC provides several fun and informative monthly programs, guests are always welcomed! As a club, we enjoy participating in community outreach such as our monthly Garden Therapy Days at the Golden Crest Retirement Community in Franklin, NH and working with the Junior Garden Club comprised of the New Hampton Community School fifth graders. In addition to our community service we maintain on-going projects throughout the town of New Hampton and have a great time putting together our yearly fundraisers. There really is something for everyone! Check out what we are up to on Facebook or email us directly at

Click here for the Garden Club's Membership Form

Historical Town Annual Reports

We now have reports dating as far back as 1872, which have been made available through the UNH Scholars Repository.  Find them under "Info Center", "Town Report".

Introducing the New Belknap House

The Belknap House is renovating a NEW property in Laconia & will supply housing to homeless families & children.

BELKNAP HOUSE is a cold weather shelter for homeless families with children in Belknap County.
Click here for additional information and ways to contribute.

CAP Volunteer Driver Newsletter

Click here to read the Community Action Program (CAP) Volunteer Driver Newsletter

NH Alerts Cellphone App

State of New Hampshire Department of Safety

Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management



Click here for more details