Home Occupation/Professional Office
There is an application process to be approved for a Home Occupation/Professional Office. See the reference below to the New Hampton Zoning Ordinance - Article V, Section B, for further requirements.
Click here for the application form, which must be submitted to the Selectmen's Office.
This application must be submitted by 4:00 PM on Tuesdays to be considered at Thursday evening Selectmen's meetings.
Home Occupation/Professional Office - Any use conducted entirely within a dwelling and/or within any accessory building which is clearly incidental and secondary to the use of the premises for dwelling purposes and does not adversely affect or undermine the residential character of the neighborhood, and in connection with which there is no outside storage or display except a permitted sign.
B. Home Occupation/Professional Office
1. It is conducted by or carried on under direction of the occupants of the residence and does not employ more than 2 persons other than household members;
2. It is conducted wholly within the principal and/or accessory structure;
3. There is no outward appearance of such an occupation with the exception of one sign;
4. Not more than twenty-five percent of the combined floor area of the residence and accessory structure is used for the business activity;
5. There shall be adequate provision for on-premise parking for all employees and customers and for delivering and shipping goods other than by customary home delivery services.
6. No installation or use of mechanical or electrical equipment or hazardous material that is not normally part of a domestic household shall be permitted without written approval of the Fire Chief.