Building Permit Applications and Related Information
Building Permit Process, Fees, Application Forms, Occupancy Requirements, and Definitions
(New Hampton Zoning Ordinance, Article VIII, Sections B & C, Page 66-67, Article XIV, Pages 73-78)
Building Permits are required in New Hampton. Please call the Selectmen's Office for further information. Building Permit applications are available below, or at the Selectmen's Office. Building Permit applications must be submitted by 4:00 PM on Tuesdays to be considered at a Thursday evening Selectmen's meeting. Please note the Selectmen meet every other week during the summer months.
For some projects the Town Ordinance "Utilization of Roadway - Traffic Control Officers" may apply. This affects property owners, contractors, and their employees**. Click here to read the ordinance.
Review Process:
- Once submitted, Building Permits are reviewed by the part-time Permitting Assistant to ensure compliance with local regulations.
- The Permitting Assistant will make a recommendation to the Board of Selectmen, who will review the application at their regularly scheduled meeting. For this reason please allow additional time for the review process.
- The Board has up to 30 days to approve or deny an application. Non-residential applications or residential applications encompassing more than 10 dwelling units shall be approved or denied in 60 days.
Click here for the Residential Building Permit Application. **
Click here for the Commercial Building Permit Application (this includes Multi-Family dwelling and any Non-Residential projects (ie. commercial, industrial, educational, etc.) **
Click here for the Building Permit for Installation or Re-installation of Fossil Fueled, Electrical, or Interior Wood-fired Heating Systems for which no other construction work is being done. An additional permit is required through the Fire Department with any installation of fossil fuel or interior wood-fired hearing systems. The Fire Department permits are available on their webpage, or in person.
** Please note that any construction to include any heating source may require Energy Code Approval through the NH Department of Energy, and will need to be noted on your building permit application. Contact them for further information at 603-271-3670 or
** Important ** NHDES Env-A 1804.01 requires that a thorough inspection be conducted for the presence of asbestos containing building materials, prior to any demolition or renovation, in the affected portions of the structure. Written notification must be made to the NHDES and the local health officer at least 10 working days before any building demolition activity occurs. Click here to be directed to the NHDES website for further information on asbestos and what is required.
- If a driveway is necessary contact the Public Works Director at 603-744-8025 prior to submitting the building permit application. If the driveway is off of a State road contact NHDOT at 603-524-6667.
- Include cash or check made payable to the "Town of New Hampton". We do not accept credit cards.
Building and Life Safety Codes: All work shall be in compliance with all applicable State of New Hampshire building and Life Safety codes. It is the responsibility of the person performing the work to insure that this requirement is met.
Snow Load in New Hampton
At an elevation of 1,000 feet, the ground snow load is 80 pounds per square foot. (These loads only apply at the elevation listed. For lower elevations reduce the load by 2.1 lb/ft2 for every 100 ft. of elevation difference. For higher elevations up to 2500 ft, increase the load by 2.1 lb/ft2 for every 100 ft. of elevation difference.)
Expiration of Permits: All building permits are valid for 18 months from the date of issuance. If the project will not be completed and ready for its intended use within the 18-month allotment a new permit must be obtained.
Occupancy Permits:
Upon completion of the project, Occupancy Permits are required for:
- New structure
- Expansion or change of use
- Substantial improvements (cumulative costs exceed 50% of appraised value prior to start of repair or improvement). To apply for a Certificate of Occupancy the construction, repair, remodeling, erection etc. must be completed and the Building Permit returned with the Certificate of Occupancy application with documentation attesting to the installation of the following systems:
- State of New Hampshire approval for operation of a septage disposal system or other permitted system in accordance with RSA 147:8.
- Water supply, either private or public.
- Adequate power source for Electrical System (i.e., electric, solar, wind)
- Fire Department inspection results for fossil fueled or interior wood fired heating system (if required i.e., year round use).
- Installation of Hard Wired Smoke Detectors
- Installation of Carbon Monoxide Detectors
- Driveway in accordance with either State or Town permits.
Occupancy Permit applications. These applications are available as 3-part forms and can be obtained from the Selectmen's Office. The office will confirm what is needed in order for it to be considered complete. It also requires that you contact the Fire Dept. for their inspection (603-744-2735).