Health Officer

New Hampton Health Officer Tom O'Shea

Leave message with Selectmen's Office (603-744-3559) to reach Mr. O'Shea.


Roles and Responsibilities:

- Communicable Diseases
- Emergency Response
- Public Education
- Nuisances
- Septic Systems
- Rental Housing
- Health Facilities
- Childcare/Foster Homes
- Food-Bourne Illnesses
- Mosquito Borne Illnesses
- Rabies
- Lead Poisoning
- Air Quality
- Drinking Water
- Indoor Smoking Laws

If you have any questions or concerns relative to Health Issues please call the Town Office or submit a letter attention to: Health Officer, 6 Pinnacle Hill Road, New Hampton, NH 03256.

It's that time of year again!

Poison ivy grows in woods, fields and along roadsides and riverbeds. It can be a highclimbing woody vine, a small low-growing shrub or ground cover. And...we all know how painful it can be!

Check out this Poison Ivy Fact Sheet developed by the Northern New England Poison Center. It contains tips on recognizing poison ivy, the symptoms of exposure, and methods of both treatment and prevention.

From the Northern New England Poison Center

Check out this Staph skin infection FACT SHEET for tips on how to identify the infection, how to prevent it, and what to do if you think you have it.

Additional Information:

New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services, .